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Create & Operating a new social network by yourself

Create & Operating a new social network by yourself

Currently, it is very difficult to succeed if making a social network like Facebook. However, it is possible to create a social network with a small scope for people who have the same common ground or a certain interest. Called a small scope, but if there are 1 million members, for example, it is already a great success.

How to create a social network? Fortunately, there are a few groups of engineers that have made the source code that I just use for my social networking ideas without much concern about the technical issues. They are still working every day to develop this source code. I only need a few dozen to more than a hundred dollars to buy source code and start a business instead of having to spend millions to build a technical team to develop source code like before.

I created a separate Group to share ideas for building social networks according to this niche. If you are interested, you need to register as a member first to join the closed group.

Here’s a rundown of some of the niches:




There are many suitable groups to build into an object-oriented social network. All will be covered in the private group that I create at, sign up to join the group. Register Now!

Why create a separate social network instead of a Group on Facebook? First, a brand is extremely valuable. Second, full control over the data. Third, there are specific tools for member development. And many more things, all discussed in the private question group.

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